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Cinescape Magazine så finns det en intervju med Nemesis filmförfattaren John Logan. Några utdrag:
"My personal favorite film is Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan and that's the one I studied when I started to create this one," berättade Logan för journalisten Anthony C. Ferrante. "What makes a good TREK film is what makes any good action-adventure film, and that's a strong adversary - an antagonist who is worthy of the protagonist."
"As a writer my big coup was being able to go to Rick [Berman] and say 'I know who the villains are'" förklarar Logan. "And he says 'Who?' and I said 'The Remans'. And he says 'Who ?!'. And I say 'The Romulans and the Remans. It's the bird of prey with the two planets. Romulus and Remus. We've never seen Remus. We don't know about Remus. Let's use Remus'. And of course he loved that idea once he knew what it was. I'm really proud of the fact that I was able to go into the TREK empire and add part of it."
"... If you see a good production of KING LEAR, you can see it set around this table and it would still be big because of the passion behind it. That's what I would hope we're doing with NEMESIS. Big ideas. Big emotions."
Författaren som gick ihop med Brent Spiner för att skriva berättelsen till Nemesis, berättar att han är redo för ännu en Star Trek-film:
"I'm hoping I'll be back for STAR TREK XI" säger han. "Hopefully, I won't be missing TREK for too long. It all depends on opening weekend. I told Rick [Berman], 'If we have a good opening weekend, I expect that call from you asking me what have I got for Star Trek XI'. If we have a bad opening weekend, you may never hear from me again."
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