”Evasive maneuvers, pattern Zeta-nine-two!”
”Yes captain” answered Will Riker at the auxiliary conn controls. The regular conn officer sat dazedly on the deck beside his burned-out consol, and Dr Beverly Crusher ministered to a wound on his forearm. Everywhere on the bridge was the acrid smell of burnt and overloaded circuits, caused by high density electro-magnetic pulses sweeping the ship.
”Shields down to forty percent” reported Data at the ops console. The android spoke in a calm businesslike tone that belied the urgency of the situation.
”Target aft torpedoes on the lead cardassian ship”, ordered Picard.
”Targeting quantum torpedoes”, repoerted Ensign Craycoft on tactical. She was a young women with nerves of titanium, And she reminded Picard of another young women that hade manned that station ten years ago on another vessel called the Enterprise. It seemed like a lifetime ago they had grieved the loss of Tasha Yar, becuse now starfleet lost a thousand Tasha Yars every day.
”They´re lined up” reported Riker urgently.
”lower shields” orderd Picard.
Federationen är hårt pressad. Dominion kom som en storm genom det bajoranska maskhålet och pressar nu federationen längre och längre. Och det kommer dessutom hot från den ny uppbyggda cardasianska flottan som längtar efter hämnd. Och dessa rykten om ett konstgjort maskhål-är dom sanna? Det är inte längre diplomati- Det är krig!
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