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Information om DS9 säsong 1 på DVD

DS9 säsong 1 boxen kommer att innehålla 6 DVD-diskar och släpps den 25 februari (region 1). Boxen kommer att släppas här i Sverige någon gång under mars månad.

Boxen kommer att innehålla följande extramaterial:
  • Deep Space Nine: A Bold New Beginning - Takes a look at the development of the series pilot, 'Emissary,' with interviews, behind-the-scenes footage.
  • Crew Dossier: Kira Nerys - Examines DS9's Bajoran first officer, Major Kira Nerys, with thoughts from her real-life alter ego Nana Visitor and writer-producer Ira Steven Behr.
  • Michael Westmore's Aliens: Season One - Several of the show's signature races, including the Bajorans, Cardassians and Ferengi, are profiled in this look at the work of makeup supervisor Michael Westmore.
  • Secrets of Quark's Bar - Art department buyer Penny Juday talks about her prop purchases.
  • Deep Space Nine Sketchbook - Senior illustrator Rick Sternbach details the development of the space station design.
  • Alien Artifacts: Season One - Property master Joe Longo talks the props used in DS9's freshman season.
  • Section 31 Hidden Files
  • Original Deep Space Nine preview

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