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Recensioner av "The Xindi"

- The Trek Nation
"The things it did well, it did very, very well...but the things it did badly were horrid, and in many cases those were the same things Enterprise has done badly all along ..."

"Bottom Line: It was a good episode, but not great. The fact that this review hasn’t really mentioned the main story at all, I think, is indicative of the one problem with that story – it was forgettable."

- The Great Link
"So how did this episode do, overall? I give it fairly good marks. It is not a stand out 'one of the best ever' Star Trek episode, but it is a solid entry ..."

- Ain't It Cool News
"The enjoyable bits include the brief (if logically suspect) Vulcan nakedness, the brief Jedi roundtable-esque segments that bookend the episode, Trip’s decidedly 'T2'-ish dream sequence, and McHattie’s portrayal of a wily, weezy mine foreman."

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