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John Billingsley om "Dead Stop"

I en intervju så berättade John Billingsley (Doctor Phlox) nyligen om säsongs 2 avsnittet "Dead Stop".
"The one we are just shooting now talks about how the ship is so terribly damaged that we need to get repairs done immediately. We go to a repair facility that turns out to have a secret."

Avsnittet handlar om vad som händer efter avsnittet "Minefield", i vilket NX-01 får stora skador och har inga möjligheter att återvända till Jorden.
"It's a terrific episode. There is this space station that is used for repairs and we are desperately seeking someone to help us fix the ship because we're too far away from any known facility. We arrive and it appears to be computerized and they agree to fix the ship. They appear to be doing remarkable work and seem to be asking for little in return. And then of course there's a mysterious twist as we realize there is something sinister afoot!"

Besök TrekWeb för hela intervjun.

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