Discshop kan man nu köpa Star Trek-dokumentären
Mind Meld till det facila priset av 79 kronor. Enligt hemsidan så handlar den om detta:
A journey that boldly takes viewers where no man has gone before--deep into the minds and hearts of STAR TREK co-stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Mr. Nimoy's home was the host to this enlightening conversation between the two actor/directors about the beloved series and their involvement as part of the Starship Enterprise. Topics covered includes gossip on the original crew, remembering past colleagues, the fans, behind the scenes stories, and the legacies both men hope to leave behind. The depths of the friendship between these two legendary stars is clearly on display in this touching and insightful conversation.
I skrivande stund finns 9 stycken i lager för försäljning, så det är väl först till kvarn som gäller...