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Elite Force II förhandsvisningar har gjort en förhandsgranskning på Elite Force II efterföljaren till ettan som blev en stor succé. Detta är vad de tycker om spelet:
So, there you have it. Numerous Star Trek weapons, new and more skillful enemies, intricate tasks, and all of that packed in the famous Quake 3 engine. If you're a Star Trek devotee it would be a shame to miss this when it comes out.
Du kan läsa hela förhandsvisningen här.

- Tal Blevins på IGN PC har också fått förhandgranska spelet och han säger följande:
One of the biggest complaints about Elite Force is that it was over too damn quick. Well Ritual has been doing a lot of work to make the levels as large and interesting as possible, and the team promises the game will be at least 150% bigger than the original game.
I have to say that Elite Force 2 is looking promising at this point. We really liked the first one, and our only big complaint was that it was short, so it looks like we may have more to play. Now we'll just have to wait until early 2003 to see it.

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