I utgåva #103 av den engelska tidningen Star Trek Monthly så pratar Rick Berman om den utlovade "ändringen" av Enterprise i säsong 3 och om säsongs 2 avslutningen "The Expanse":
"I think our final episode of the season is going to be quite startling because we're going to do a cliffhanger that will put a new twist on the series as it enters its third year. I don't really want to get specific about it, but we're not talking about a tiny change. We're talking about a change that is going to, to some degree, alter our mission and, to some degree, change the tone of the series. We're very excited by it. This idea will be introduced partially in the final episode of this season and then more dramatically dealt with in the opener next season."
Berman berättar även om det kommande borg-avsnittet "Regeneration":
"One of [the last four episodes] is going to be a fascinating Borg encounter. Which is interesting in that Starfleet had never heard of the Borg before Picard. So we have managed to deal with that in what I feel is a very interesting fashion."
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