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Så var det att vara statist som kadett i nya Star Trek *Spoilers*

Carla Hoffman var en av alla namnlösa stjärnflottekadetter i Star Trek. Hon skriver nu om sin upplevelse på

Hoffman spelade kadett i scenerna som utspelade sig på Stjärnflotteakademien.
Så här beskriver hon en av scenerna:

"I was there as Kirk was put before the Academy council for cheating the Kobayashi Maru; if they had turned the cameras on the cadets as we watched the scene unfold before us in Long Beach, we would have had visible proof of jaws dropping as it dawned on us what we were getting to be a part of. We gathered together at lunch breaks, putting together our timelines, wondering which one of us was Finnegan and all those years as a kid where I used to run around on a playground pretending to be on an away team mission, pouring over encyclopedias and manuals of starships and history, all my hard work in being a Huge Trekkie was actually paying off."

Det cirkulerade också ett rykte på inspelningen att "om de upptäckte att man var ett superfan" skulle man sparkas, eftersom man sågs som en säkerhetsrisk som skulle berätta om filmens handling i förväg.

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