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Roligaste uttalandet/Bästa "punchlinen"


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En klassisk scen som brukar nämnas i sådana här sammanhang, är följande från TNG:s "Deja Q":

Q: What must I do to convince you people?"

Worf: "Die."

Q: "Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?"

:lol: Den är rolig på mer än bara ett sätt.

Redigerad av Sotunk
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Q - är helt klart min favorit.

Listan kan göras lång, men vem glömmer inte tex:

Q: "But no matter what lengths I go through to win her heart,

she rejects me--me!--how, I ask you, is that possible?"

Harry: "Has it ever occurred to you that she just doesn't like you?"

Q: "No."

--"The Q and the Grey"

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Q - är helt klart min favorit.

Listan kan göras lång, men vem glömmer inte tex:

Q: "But no matter what lengths I go through to win her heart,

she rejects me--me!--how, I ask you, is that possible?"

Harry: "Has it ever occurred to you that she just doesn't like you?"

Q: "No."

--"The Q and the Grey"

Lite mer Q-relaterat:

Från "Q, Who":

(När Riker och Worf kommer in i rummet)

Q: "Ah, the redoubtable Commander Riker... and Microbrain! Growl for me... let me know you still care."

"Deja Q" igen:

Q: "I'm no longer a member of the Qontinuum! My superiors have decided to punish me!"

Picard: "And punish us as well, it would seem."

Data: "Sir, he is reading as fully human."

Q: "What is there, an echo in here?"

Troi: "I am sensing an emotional presence, Captain. I would normally describe it as being terrified."

Q: "How rude."

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Några bra repliker och dialoger ur filmen "Star Trek The Motion Picture" Jag gillar specielt den sissta repliken. De av oss som gillar "Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D.", får en del att gotta oss i.

Kirk: Well, for a man who swore he'd never return to

the Starfleet...

Bones: Just a moment, Captain sir! Your revered Admiral Nogura invoked a little-known, seldom-used "reserve activation clause." In simpler language, Captain, they DRAFTED me!

Kirk: [in mock horror] They didn't!

Bones: This was your idea! This was your idea, wasn't it?!

Kirk: Bones, there's a... thing... out there.

Bones: Why is any object we don't understand always called "a thing"?

Bones: Well Jim... I hear Chapel's an M.D. now. Well I'm gonna need a top nurse... not a doctor who'll argue every little diagnosis with me. And they probably redesigned the whole sickbay, too! I know engineers, they LOVE to change things.

Kirk: Well, Bones. Do the new medical facilities meet with your approval?

Bones: They do not. It's like working in a damn computer center.

[After Spock comments that, mentally, V'ger is a child.]

Bones: Spock, this "child" is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth! Now what do you suggest we do? Spank it?

Chief DiFalco: Heading sir?

Captain James T. Kirk: Out there... thataway.

Jag har mycket mer på lager om ni är intreserade. Det fins ju ytterligare några filmer efter "Star Trek The Motion Picture".

Redigerad av Unkas
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När det gäller filmer, så har ju ST:IV flest roliga repliker. Alla minns väl Spocks försök att svära. :lol: Eller Kirks oförglömliga "A double jack-ass on you". Chekov's "Where can we find the nuclear vessels". Scottys datoranvändning "Hello computer..." När Bones uppmanar Spock att gissa. Det finns hur många som helst... :lol: :D :lol:

E´n annan replik som jag gillar är precis i början av ST:V, så säger Scotty ngt väldigt roligt. Minns ej axakt vad det var, men det var ngt i stil med: "I'm beginning to think this new ship was put together by monkies. The doors won't even open, and guess who's job it is to fix it"´.

I TNG-eran finns det väl kanske inte fullt så många roliga repliker, men en som jag gillar är Data i FC:

"I think I speak for all of us, when I say to hell with our orders, sir" :D

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Ett av de roligaste avsnitten i VOY är, IMM, "A Message In a Bottle":

EMH Mark1: "You hit the wrong ship!"

EMH Mark2: "It wasn't my fault!"

EMH Mark1: "Then who´s fault was it? The torpedoes!"


EMH Mark2: "What are they doing?"

EMH Mark1: "Firing on us"

EMH Mark2: "They must think Romulans are onboard"

EMH Mark1: "They´re right!"



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Här kommer mer från filmens värld.

The Search for Spock

Sulu: The word, sir?

Kirk: The word is no. I am therefore going anyway.

Admiral Kirk: You're suffering from a Vulcan mind-meld, doctor.

Dr. McCoy: That green-blooded son of a bitch! It's his revenge for all

the arguments he lost.

[Aboard the Excelsior]

Excelsior Computer: Level please.

Scotty: Transporter Room.

Excelsior Computer: Thank you.

Scotty: Up your shaft.

Scotty: She's all yours, sir. All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two

trainees could run her!

Kirk: Thank you, Mr. Scott, I'll try not to take that personally.

[After stealing the Enterprise]

Admiral James T. Kirk: Gentlemen, your work today has been outstanding and

I intend to recommend you all for promotion... in whatever fleet we end

up serving.

Kirk: Sorry about your crew, but as we say on Earth,

c'est la vie.

[Kirk and party commandeer on Klingon ship]

Kirk: You! Help us or die!

Maltz: I do not deserve to live.

Kirk: Fine. I'll kill you later.

I morgon kommer The Voyage Home, så nu har ni något att se fram emot.

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Ett av de roligaste avsnitten i VOY är, IMM, "A Message In a Bottle":

EMH Mark1: "You hit the wrong ship!"

EMH Mark2: "It wasn't my fault!"

EMH Mark1: "Then who´s fault was it? The torpedoes!"


EMH Mark2:  "What are they doing?"

EMH Mark1: "Firing on us"

EMH Mark2: "They must think Romulans are onboard"

EMH Mark1: "They´re right!"



:lol: :lol: :lol:

Mkt roligt :)

Men är du säker på att det är EMHmark1 som säger: "They're right?" Jag tycker det låter som Romulanerna. Och tycker mig minnas att det var så i avsnittet, men det var iofs ett tag sedan jag såg det... :osäker:

Redigerad av Essray
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Men är du säker på att det är EMHmark1 som säger: "They're right?" Jag tycker det låter som Romulanerna. Och tycker mig minnas att det var så i avsnittet, men det var iofs ett tag sedan jag såg det... :osäker:

Det är EMH-1 som säger det. Romulanerna är nedsövda vid den tidpunkten i avsnittet.

Dessutom så hade det ju inte varit roligt om det hade varit Romulanerna som hade sagt det. :)

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Ett av de roligaste avsnitten i VOY är, IMM, "A Message In a Bottle":

EMH Mark1: "You hit the wrong ship!"

EMH Mark2: "It wasn't my fault!"

EMH Mark1: "Then who´s fault was it? The torpedoes!"


EMH Mark2:  "What are they doing?"

EMH Mark1: "Firing on us"

EMH Mark2: "They must think Romulans are onboard"

EMH Mark1: "They´re right!"



Ja "Message in a bottle" är ju en av de bästa avsnitten.

Här är mer från avsnittet :

EMH Mark 2: This is all very complicated.

EMH mark 1: Stop breathing down my neck.

EMH Mark 2: My breathing is barely a simulation.

EMH Mark 1: So is my neck! Stop it any way!

EMH Mark 2: Is this the thruster control ?

EMH Mark 1: Dont tuch that ! we dont know what it does, it could be the self destruct.

Captain Proton to the rescue!

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Här har vi några underbara komentarer från vår vän Garak.

Garak: Really doctor, must we always play this game? I'm no more a spy than you are a...

Bashir: ...a doctor.

Garak: I'm afraid you really do allow your imagination to run away with you

(DS9 - Cardassians)

Bashir: Assuming you're not a spy...

Garak: Assuming...

Bashir: ...then maybe you're an outcast.

Garak: Or maybe I'm an outcast spy.

Bashir: How could you be both?

Garak: I never said I was either.

(DS9 - Profit and Loss)

Bashir: What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me which ones were true and which ones weren't?

Garak: My dear doctor...they're all true.

Bashir: Even the lies?

Garak: Especially the lies.

(DS9 - The Wire)

Och låt oss inte glömma min absoluta favorit.

Garak: Well, the truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination.

(DS9 - Improbable Cause )

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HaHa.. mycket roligt Gul Tahel!  :lol:

En annan bra med Garak är ju scenen där Bashir drar historian om "the boy who cried wolf". Kommer inte ihåg dialogen tyvärr. Har du den Gul Tahel? :)

Japp, här kommer den:

Garak: Why is it no-one ever believes me even when I'm telling the truth?

Bashir: Have you ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf?

Garak: No.

Bashir: It's a children's story about a young shepard boy who gets lonely while attending his flock, so he cries out to the villagers that a wolf is attacking the sheep. The people come running, but of course there's no wolf. He claims that it's run away and the people praise him for his vigilance.

Garak: Clever lad! Charming story.

Bashir: I'm not finished. The next day the boy does it again and the next two and on the fourth day a wolf really comes. The boy cries out to the top of his lungs, but the villagers ignore him and the boy and his flock are gobbled up.

Garak: That's a little graphic for children, wouldn't you say?

Bashir: But the point is; if you lie all the time nobody's going to believe you, even when you're telling the truth.

Garak: Are you sure that's the point, doctor?

Bashir: Of course. What else could it be?

Garak: That you should never tell the same lie twice.

Redigerad av Gul Tahel
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The Voyage Home: Filmen som har några av Star Trek historiens bästa dialoger och komentarer. :D

Kirk: Spock, where the hell's the power you promised?

Spock: One damn minute, Admiral.

Dr. Gillian Taylor: So you're from outer space?

Kirk: No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space.

McCoy: I mean, I may have carried your soul but I sure couldn't fill your


Spock: My shoes?

McCoy: Forget it.

Scotty: Admiral, there be whales here!

McCoy: What's wrong with you?

Elderly patient: I'm waiting for dialysis.

McCoy: Dialysis?! What is this, the Dark Ages?!

McCoy: My God, man! Drilling holes in his head isn't the answer!

[Chekov is being interrogated]

FBI Agent: Name.

Chekov: My name?

FBI Agent: [sarcastically] No, my name!

Chekov: I do not know your name.

FBI Agent: You play games with me mister, and you're through!

Chekov: I am? Can I go now?

Som alla vet så fins det mer ur denna filmen, MYCKET mer.

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Bashir: What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me which ones were true and which ones weren't?

Garak: My dear doctor...they're all true.

Bashir: Even the lies?

Garak: Especially the lies.

(DS9 - The Wire)

Denna tycker jag är den bästa av dom alla

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Ytterlilgare lite film godis, specielt för de som upphöjer Spock i ära.

The Final Frontier

Spock: As you're so fond of pointing out, Doctor, I'm half human.

McCoy: Well, it certainly doesn't show!

Spock: Thank you.

Spock: Captain, we both know that I am not human.

Kirk: Spock, wanna know something? Everybody's human!

Spock: I find that remark... insulting.

Spock: She doesn't know.

Scotty: Then we're dead!

Spock: I've been dead before.

The Undiscovered Country

Spock: If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell."

...If I were human.

Spock: Mr. Scott, I understand you are experiencing difficulties

with the warp engines?

Scotty: There's nothing wrong with the bloody --

Spock: Mr. Scott, if the Enterprise responds to hails and returns

to Starbase, there is a good chance that we will never see Captain Kirk or Doctor McCoy alive again.

Scotty: Could take weeks, sir...

[On whether to help the Klingons.]

Kirk: They're animals.

Spock: Jim, there is an historic opportunity here.

Kirk: Don't believe them! Don't trust them!

Spock: They're dying.

Kirk: Let them die.

General Chang: We need breathing room.

Kirk: Earth, Hitler, 1938.

Spock: Logic, logic, logic. Logic is the beginning of wisdom,

Valeris, not the end.

Chekov: Course heading, Captain?

Kirk: Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.

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[On whether to help the Klingons.]

Kirk: They're animals.

Spock: Jim, there is an historic opportunity here.

Kirk: Don't believe them! Don't trust them!

Spock: They're dying.

Kirk: Let them die.

En av mina favoriter.

Förresten, The Final Frontier har ju en hel del roliga kommentarer, speciellt i början när Spock försöker förstå sig på marshmallows och "row, row, row your boat" och när Sulu och Chekov hamnar i en 'snöstorm'.

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